Wondering how much difference that pay rise would make? The values have now been made available to show you the most up-to-date information. Use the Take-Home Salary Calculator to work out just how much more you will have each month.
How to use the Take-Home Calculator
To use the tax calculator, enter your annual salary (or the one you would like) in the salary box above
If you are earning a bonus payment one month, enter the ? value of the bonus into the bonus box for a side-by-side comparison of a normal month and a bonus month.
Find out the benefit of that overtime! Enter the number of hours, and the rate at which you will get paid. For example, for 5 hours a month at time and a half, enter 5 1.5. There are two options in case you have two different overtime rates. To make sure the calculations are as accurate as possible, enter the number of non-overtime hours in the week.
New! If your main residence is in Scotland, tick the “Resident in Scotland” box. This will apply the Scottish rates of income tax.
If you know your tax payday loans Alaska code, enter it into the tax code box for a more accurate take-home pay calculation. If you are unsure of your tax code just leave it blank and the default code will be applied.
If you have a pension which is deducted automatically, enter the percentage rate at which this is deducted and choose the type of pension into which you are contributing. Pension contributions are estimates, click to learn more about pension contributions on The Salary calculator. (more…)